How much should I spend on a teacher gift?

It's that time of year again when classrooms start filling up with holiday gifts for teachers. Or, if you're reading this during down the road, perhaps it's Teacher Appreciation Week. Regardless, how much should you spend on a gift for your child's teacher? Is there a minimum or maximum amount you should be spending? We've got the answers to all of your questions.
How Much to Spend
First off, it's important to note that teacher gifts are optional. You should never feel obligated to spend money on a gift for your children's teachers. Something as simple as a kind note goes a very long way and is greatly appreciated. As a teacher myself, some of my favorite gifts were "thank you" notes from caring students. But, if you really want to buy your child's teacher(s) a gift, read on.
There is no set amount you should spend on a teacher gift—it really depends on your budget. A good rule of thumb is to spend around $20-$30, but if you have a larger budget, you could go up to $50. If you have multiple children in school, you might want to consider pooling your resources with other parents to split the cost of a more expensive gift. Keep in mind that it’s the thought that counts, so even a small token of appreciation will be appreciated by your child’s teacher.
What Kind of Gifts are Appropriate?
When it comes to choosing a gift for your child’s teacher, it’s best to err on the side of caution and choose something practical. Teachers are often inundated with knick-knacks and trinkets, so something they can actually use in the classroom (or even at home) would be much appreciated (hint, a teacher lanyard that they wear on a daily basis is super practical, cute, and affordable!) Gift cards are always a good option— teachers can use them to buy supplies for their classroom or treat themselves to a well-deserved pedicure. If you’re looking for something more personal, consider a homemade gift or something that ties into one of the teacher’s hobbies or interests. For example, if your child’s art teacher is also a coffee lover, you could get her a coffee mug with an artistic design.
You might also consider checking out to see if your teacher has any projects running. They'd greatly appreciate your support of their classroom! I personally love ♥️ supporting classroom projects as it helps the teacher and all of their students (current & future!)
When it comes time to getting your child’s teacher a gift at the end of the school year, there is no set amount you should spend—it really depends on your budget. A thoughtfully chosen gift that is under $25 will be sure to please any teachers out there! Whatever you do, just remember that teachers are often working on tight budgets themselves, so they will be understanding if you don't go overboard.